A few words about better blogging. Among other things, blogging is writing. However, it's writing in a very public way. Unlike a personal journal or diary, blogs are open to the world and should reflect an awareness of a potentially much larger audience.
Please consider these concepts:
Clear - Blog writing should be final draft quality. Consider doing your initial writing and editing offline, then copy and paste it into blogger when you're satisfied with its quality.
Concise - Good writing in general is spare, simple and direct. This is arguably even more true for online writing. Try to aim for 3-5 paragraphs per post.
Confidentiality - Carefully consider what kind personal information is appropriate to include in your blog. Blog
profile settings offer a wide variety of features to help you best decide who and what others should know about a blog's author.
Comments - Consider how you want others to interact with your blog. From zero comments to an open forum, comments sections add richness as well as liabilities for bloggers. I recommend using
moderated comments that are only displayed with your approval.
Credible - Personal opinions can have considerable merit, especially when based on personal knowledge and experience.
Otherwise, reason, research and resources should be employed to support personal views.
Creative - Blogs are an excellent medium for personal creativity. The themes you choose to feature, the kinds of other media you include, the writing style you employ and the layout and visual appeal you design are just some of the creative arenas for you to explore and master.
Contrast - Visual appeal and readability are enhanced by using contrasting fonts, colors and elements. Selecting the wrong font color may be all it takes to keep someone from reading otherwise brilliant writing.
Clean - Blogs can become cluttered with visually distracting images and features. Keep your blogs visually tidy. Besides looking better, they are more useful for others whom you'd like to visit your blog.
Credit - Good ideas and images deserve and/or require proper credit - even your own.
Captions - Unless it is absolutely obvious, images should have some kind of caption to help make conceptual connections more clear.
Context - Images should relate obviously to the topic at hand.
Connected - Including excellent links and having others link to your blog makes it more powerful and more connected.
CRAP - While we're on the subject, let me share with you some words about
CRAP! Hit this link to
DailyBlogTips to learn simple tools for designing more powerful blogs using the principles of
Contrast, Repetition, Alignment and Proximity.